Monday, September 19, 2011

Some Harlan questions resolved


Over the past few days I've managed to track down a few questions of my own regarding some of my Harlan ancestors and relations, which I've documented here: -- specifically my relationship to three famous Harlans, the two John Marshall Harlans of United States Supreme Court fame, and Josiah Harlan, of 19th century Afghanistan fame.

Some new items now draw my curiosity:

  • Josiah's descendants, namely the line descending from his only (Alpheus-documented) child, daughter Sarah Victoria (1852-?) (#3732), who was born in Chester County, Pennsylvania, and on 25 May 1870 married Frank Stokes.  Josiah was my fourth cousin, six times removed;  his daughter was my fifth cousin, five times removed.  Someday I'll figure out how that all works -- maybe :-)
  • Somewhere in the line I stumbled over a male Harlan who led the "George Washington Movement," which appears to have been the initiative to found George Washington University in DC.  Stupidly I neglected to jot it down, so I need to retrace my steps to relocate it.
  • Which line my former Oxford, Ohio neighbor John descends from.



  1. Link to Harlan Relationships document is broken. I am working on fixing it. jbh
